About Us
German Holstein breeding is known for quality and innovation for more than 140 years. We are organized in ten local breeding organizations, which have joined together to form the German Livestock Association.
As a well-known and competent partner for cattle breeding in Germany the GGI-Spermex GmbH cooperates with several breeding and insemination organizations in matters of semen export.
The quality of a breeding value depends on its database. Germany sets international standards: with a herdbook density over 70 % and 90 % coverage in milk performance testing, there is a valid basis for breeding value estimation. German farm structures differ in herd size, management and environmental conditions in the different regions of Germany. The German data base includes small farms with less than hundred cows and large farms up to thousands of animals.
Germany as an international leader in Holstein breeding is internationally known for high data quality and precise breeding values. In order to keep high standards regarding the stability and quality of the breeding value estimation, the methods and models are improved continuously by the national data center (vit) based on the latest research results.
Here you can find out more about the calculation of relative breeding values and their high quality.